H&H Concrete Ltd have been the Concrete Placers for many commercial concreting projects in the rural, engineering, civic and retail sectors of Marlborough, Nelson, Tasman and Westland. Some of our many projects include the Maternity and Accident & Emergency wards and the surgical area at Nelson Hospital, Bunnings Warehouse, Placemakers, Mitre 10 Mega in both Nelson and Blenheim, the Nelson Courthouse, aircraft hangars at Nelson airport, the multi-story car park building in Blenheim, the Nelson water treatment plant, and the Richmond sewerage treatment plant. We consistently perform to the highest professional standards meeting industry regulations and requirements.
The H & H Concrete team are approved vehicle crossing installers for the Nelson and Tasman councils, trained in Standard Traffic Management Systems (STMS) required for working on public roads.
We offer a wide range of colours to choose from.
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